Monday, May 25, 2009

VMWARE Project:

We are about to start a vmware project to completely separate vmware environment from all others. I want to note the time line and accomplishments of the project. We are looking at a possible server addition with disk. Once the project is approved I will start to post what's going on along with pictures from the project.

Current environment:
4 VM hosts with a 1 host lab server, and 3 hosts clustered servers.
Cluster consists of DRS, HA, VMOTION, and is currently attached to a SAN.
Currently 53 vm servers in the environment.

Possible SAN solutions for the new storage.
NetApp FAS3100 Series:
Very Powerful and feature packed
Very Good NAS Solution close to FC

Very Powerful with lots of I/O
Writes to large cache for better performance
Great SAN via Fiber Channel solution
Fiber Channel attached disks
Brocade FC Switches provide path redundancy
and fail over.

More to come: